Your Fastest Path to a Career
in Artificial Intelligence

Hands-On Fellowship Program

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Tailored Curriculum
Industry-Recognized Certification
Practical, Actionable Learning
Expert Instructors with Proven Expertise

Hiring Partners and Employers

Fellowship Program Focuses on Real-world Experience

We give aspiring machine learning engineers the chance to hone their skills by building real-world applications.

The number one qualification employers look for when hiring an ML engineering candidate is previous experience.

Program highlights

Machine learning

Build scalable ML models and apply the latest research in deep and reinforcement learning with a fully remote, interactive program.

Program Overview

Get mentored by experienced ML practitioners, pair program with fellows, and commit full-time for three months, with optional in-person collaboration.

Additional Benefits

Benefit from reduced time to market, improved product quality, stakeholder buy-in, team collaboration, problem-solving, rapid prototyping, client satisfaction, credibility, and profitability.

Why do you need a Fellowship Recommendation?

As part of the program, every fellow is required to submit a daily scrum update on their work and progress. These updates serve as detailed documentation of your journey, which will later be reflected in your recommendation letters. Your code qualities, reading group presentations, demo session performances, and blog contributions will also be considered and reported to our partnering companies.

What do experts say about Fellowship ...

“I’m really impressed by everything the Fellowship.AI team is doing - after spending time on-site, we decided to hire one of the Fellows for our medical deep learning company.”
Jeremy Howard, Fast.Ai

What do experts say about Fellowship ...

“Aspiring data scientists that come from outside of computer science, have something to prove to themselves and to the world, and therefore work extra hard. I couldn’t be happier with the Fellows that we’ve hired at Onfido.”
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