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Real Estate Agent

Developing an Agentic-AI Real Estate Agent app using Large-Action Models (LAMs), designed to transform the property search process by autonomously finding listings that match user-specified criteria. This advanced app will use technologies like CrewAI to facilitate conversational interactions and detailed searches through MLS listing APIs, enhancing the efficiency and user experience in real estate transactions.

Leveraging AI for Seamless Hair Color Modifications

A user-friendly tool for seamless hair color transformations using advanced AI technologies, aiming to maintain the original style and quality of images while allowing users to perform hair root touch-ups. The project utilized MediaPipe's image segmentation and advanced AI models for precise color manipulation, demonstrating the capability of AI to enhance digital imaging in personal styling applications.

Fitness Activity Recognition Using MediaPipe BlazePose

Utilizes Google's MediaPipe BlazePose for fitness activity recognition by analyzing fitness demonstration videos. The research aimed to demonstrate that with just a basic camera, fitness equipment providers could deliver precise instructional content and detect inaccuracies in trainee performances using BlazePose's 33-keypoint system, thereby offering a cost-effective alternative to expensive fitness tracking equipment.

Competitor Analysis

This project leverages machine learning to streamline the competitive analysis in e-commerce by scraping and categorizing similar products from competitors to assess pricing strategies and market positioning. By using embeddings and SKU matching, it provides insights on price changes and competitiveness, aiding in informed decision-making for pricing strategies

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Music Moderation

Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) is a fundamental problem in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) to translate an audio sequence to a symbolic representation of music

CLIP Model for Food Type Recognition

Testing the OpenAI CLIP Model for Food Type Recognition with Custom Data

Masking Fetal Gender

A deep learning approach for masking fetal gender in ultrasound images.

Creative Optimizer

Provide an easy to use tool for getting Click Through Open Rates (CTOR) for desired email creatives along with an optimizer to increase the CTOR by making changes to the email creative.”